
Need tickets to the Super Bowl? Try that Ebay chick.

Remember Sarah Spain? In our previous post at NFL FanHouse we told you about how she was auctioning off the opportunity to take her to the Super Bowl. Now, via her MySpace page, Sarah files this update:
AXE, legendary for hooking guys up with girls, has hooked me up with Super Bowl tickets for me, two of my girlfriends and also one extra ticket.

With that extra ticket, I now get to flip the switch and have you guys pitch me for a ticket to the big game and a date with me and my friends. Just email me at hotsuperbowldate@hotmail.com and I'll pick a guy that I want to take with me!

So drop her a line and you could be joining Sarah in Miami. She'll make her choice by Wednesday, and it should go without saying that we'll inform you of her decision right here at NFL FanHouse.

Ah, too bad, I'd have bought that for $1.

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