
Monkey's on a boat

THE crew of a large cargo ship headed for Sydney have been told to catch or kill a rogue monkey running loose aboard the vessel or they will not be allowed to dock.

A spokesman for the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS) said the container ship, said to be coming from China, was due in Australian waters within two days.

The ship's crew have sent Australian authorities photos of the animal in a bid to have it identified, but the quarantine spokesman said the shots were of a poor quality and showed only a "small brown blur".

The crew have no idea how the animal came to be aboard and say they have not been able to get close to it since first spotting it sitting on top of a container some weeks ago.

The ship's captain has been advised of Australia's quarantine requirements and warned the monkey had to be captured or "appropriately disposed of" before the ship would be allowed to berth in Australia.

Quarantine agents are concerned that a wild monkey could carry rabies or even simian encephalitis.

This could make a very interesting movie. What if the monkey was a mutant....with frickin laser beams. I wonder if Samuel Jackson would go for Monkey on a boat.

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