
Are ya achin? Yup, Yup, Yup. For some Bacon?

Packs of wild pigs are pillaging yards in the Fountainhead South subdivision. The animals emerge from thick brush on adjacent, unfenced Melbourne Airport Authority land, damaging landscaping and frightening residents.

Since Nov. 14, James Dean and Chad Penright have caged and bow-shot 23 feral pigs -- including a 380-pound brute.

Dean captured a 180-pound sow Friday morning, "and she was aggressive," he said.

Trespassing swine have been spotted along Wright Avenue and Corbusier Drive, congregating in rummaging hordes of up to 20 animals. One startled a woman who was taking out garbage.

Pigs also are suspected in the death of a pet cat, said Connie Canfield, a homeowners association director.

Canfield, who has a concealed-weapon permit, now carries a .38-caliber pistol during morning walks with her miniature terriers, Tiffy and Ace, in case of pig attack.

It is always okay to get a CCW just incase you are attacked by wild pigs. Guns don't kill people, pigs kill people. Still, feral pigs can be more than just a nuisance, spreading disease and killing wildlife. Maybe the numbnuts that voted for a constitutional amendment for better pig treatment can come up with some legislature to govern these pigs as well. You know that they will be law-abiding pigs, and they will follow the law. Just like criminals with guns do, everyday.

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