
Anger leads to the dark side.

PAULA ZAHN, HOST: But, Bill, you're basically telling us tonight you've got to be pretty angry to vote for John Kerry. Is that the bottom line here, when it comes to the economy?

BILL SCHNEIDER, CNN POLITICAL ANALYST: If you're angry about the economy, you're voting for Kerry. There are not enough voters who are angry.

If you're upset over Iraq, you'll vote for John Kerry. But do you know that the number of people who are upset about Iraq has actually been dropping since the end of June when the White House arranged the transfer of power to the Iraqi authorities?

Because more and more Americans came to believe, well, it's not as much of an American problem as it used to be, even though Americans are continuing to get killed.

So both Iraq and the economy are just not big enough concerns. Not enough Americans are upset or angry to give the advantage to Kerry.

I'm gonna have to call Bush the teflon man. I mean, whatever gets thrown at him just isn't sticking. Kerry is like a Hoover, he's really sucking now. More and more people are moving away from the "anyone but Bush" camp to "anyone but Bush but Kerry isn't that good". Once you get passed the seething rage of the neolibs, what does Kerry offer that is better than Bush other than not being Bush. Seriously, Bush has told the public what he is gonna do. Kerry has tried to, when he gives interviews. However, lately, he's been spending too much time on the defensive from his past, and on the offensive against Bush personally. Hell, he blames the President for congress' inability to stop the AWB from sunsetting. Um, Senator Kerry, last time I checked, you're a senator. Did you submit legislation to further the AWB at all? Didn't think so.

Still, Kerry thinks he is strong, especially with the liberal media's support. Look at the whole CBS memo fiasco. The Swift Boat Vets have had no time on NBC, yet Kitty Kelly is getting 3 days? I guess it is too bad for the major networks that news is such a real-time and online creature.

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