
Tequila will kill anything, so don't worry.

La Nopalera loosely translated means "the cactus patch". The translation seems oddly fitting, because when it came to a recent health inspection for this San Marco restaurant, things got a bit prickly.

La Nopalera racked up 38 violations, 19 of which were critical.

An inspector found raw meat stored over cooked food, a dirty cutting board, and evidence of infestation in the kitchen. The state inspector issued an emergency order and the store was immediately shut down.

When inspectors returned a day later, they found that La Nopalera had cleaned up, but not by much. On that re-inspection La Nopalera still racked up 21 total violations, 7 of them critical.

Again, just one day later, the inspector found raw meat over cooked food, a critical violation. And that dirty cutting board still hadn't been replaced with a clean one.
However, one improvement was noted. The inspector did not see any evidence of infestation and allowed La Nopalera to re-open.

La Nopalera manager Jose Ramirez told the Troubleshooters he's working on fixing those problems. He allowed the Troubleshooters into his kitchen, and according to the cameras, it looked as though the raw food problem had been fixed.

However, during the tour, a sauce pot was spotted just sitting on the floor. And the dirty cutting board was still out and still in use.

*sigh* La Nop is a tradition spanning back a few years with a core group of folks here at work. It is close, fast, and the food is very good. No one that I know of has gotten sick from eating there. However, the food has gotten a bit better of late.

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